Joe Floccari is an Emmy Award-winning photojournalist and tv reporter. Over the last 20 plus years, you’ve seen his stories on CBS, ABC, NBC, and FOX. Oh yea, and that one time on TMZ Live.
Also know as JoeFlo. Yes, it sounds like a rappers name, but he’s not as cool as one. In reality, the nickname “JoeFlo” stuck because nobody could say his last name “Floccari”.

Some people have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. Not Floccari.
As an overnight photojournalist at the ABC News affiliate in Atlanta, Floccari ended up on TMZ Live for all the wrong reasons.
in 2015, Rapper Lil Wayne’s tour bus was shot up. Floccari was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Next thing, he’s on TMZ talking to Harvey Levin.
During his journalism career, Floccari has been shot at more times than a rapper. He’s spent more time at crime scenes, murders, and hurricanes, that he always wins the game gunshots and fireworks.
You’ve seen Joe blurred out on numerous episodes of the tv show, “The First 48”. Because even A&E didn’t want his face on TV.

When you’re watching live hurricane coverage on the news, and wondering what type of idiot goes to a hurricane? That would be Floccari.
He’s the guy getting run over by NFL Players on “Monday Night Football” and flattened by a 300 pound Shaquille O’Neal while shooting an NBA Playoff game.

At first glance, you might think, Floccari is a true Renaissance man. But in reality, he’s just really good at accidentally being in the wrong place place at the wrong time.
Over Floccari’s career he’s never been important enough to interview, but has interviewed people much more important then him.

As a baseball player, he wasn’t good enough to play in the MLB. So he was sent over seas where he played in the Italian Baseball Federation. During that time he also was a DJ for Radio Italia.
He played 2 seasons in the Italian Baseball Federation’s A1 level as a pitcher and shortstop. He played for Collecchio, a team near Parma, Italy and a season in Novara, near Milan. If you’re really bored, click here to watch Joe pitching in Italy.
Not only is Joe an award winning journalist, former “wanna be” professional baseball player, he’s also a terrible actor. He made his feature film debut in the 1998 film ‘In The Flesh.’ He unknowingly played a male prostitute. Floccari had 3 lines in the film, “I don’t care! I’ll do anything! I am from F’ing Jersey!” If you think its made up check it out here: Joe Floccari IMDB
The DVD director’s track was funnier than the two lines. The director explains, how Joe thought he was selling drugs on a street corner. But in reality, he was a male hooker selling his body. It’s probably one of the few times in history a border-line extra made the directors DVD cut.

Floccari is the guy you see at an NBA celebrity basketball game, and you ask your friends, “Who the hell is that guy? And why did they let him play?”
in the newsroom, he could often be found signing celebrities posters for give-aways.
Here are Joe’s super official social media accounts:
Disclaimer: This Biography was written the way the great Hall of Fame Baseball player Ricky Henderson speaks, in third person.